Despite being green I hope this post doesn't ruin your Chistmas :P
Manhattan eyeshadow base (the worst product I've bought in a long time)
Alverde LE liner in Magic Forest
Essence mascara
Bella Pierre eyeshadow in Lucky
no-name light frosty green shadow
A few extra pictures:

This is the green look, there's a red one coming up tomorrow. After that
I'll show you some cute earings and do a post about my fav looks of 2010.
I'm prolly even do a best/worst products of 2010 post.
Talk to you all very soon!
~ V.
Lovely look!
Thank you :D
I disagree ! The grinch is ugly and this look's beautiful !
Very pretty look! I'm a huge fan of the Grinch, so I love this!
@The Peach
Thank you. I actually like this green look for some reason. )=
N'awww, I think the grinch is a cute little green thing :)
I think you may have gotten an old Manhattan primer - it dries up too fast! When fresh, it's great - when old, it cannot be spread evenly over the lid.
I think you are absolutely right.
I bought it and it had a finger print!!
So I scooped out the product that had been touched and swiped the rest with a q-tip soaked with 97 % alcohol.
No wonder it was dried out lol. :D
Woooo so much green! Love the liner :D
Much to my surprise, the liner worked out ok =)
Nice Christmasy green! My sister wore a bright green for Christmas, haha. It looked adorable with her white and red striped shirt. She's so festive x3
I opted for a touch of army green with gold shimmer. xD
Don't really know why I told ya that, doesn't have much to do with your post but anyway, there you go lol. :)
@Emily♥ 에밀리 ♥エミリー
awww, that sounds super cute.
welll, i'm the least festive person on the planet :D
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