Aug 5, 2012

Getting creative with a Canary

Hey guys =)

This is the second part of my canary themed make-up. 
I used the make-up from my Well, darn! Is your canary OK? post and took it a little further.

Let me know in the comments if you spot the difference/(-s) or keep reading after the jump for 
plenty more pictures and a list of products.

 The day I did this make up initially, I edited the pictures straight away, even wrote a post for it. Looking at the pics I was unhappy with how the look seemed too unfinished. 

Yeah, sure it was vivid. 
Yeah sure, it stood out and made my blue eyes look acid blue.

Nevertheless, I decided to add a bit more definition, in other words, more crap to my eyes.

I went for what is the worst quality product in my entire collection; Alverde LE gel liner in Mareike. It was balling up into a dry paste and in my desperate dire desire to use it (for it is the most beautiful shade of blue you can imagine) I first tried to mix in some mascara
and shadow primer to break down the liner to be usable.

It worked, the problem was it changed the color to a more muddy pastel blue.
What can I say, me and Mareike were never meant to be :((

Just the liner alone didn't do it for me yet so I went all out with extending the green (Amla eyeshadow by Sundara) towards my tear duct. Neat, I thought.

And then, what is a bright unwearable look without some false lashes? Nothing, I tell you, nuffin. 
Added criss-cross half false lashes from KKcenterHK so that they balnced out the liner making my lashes appear to short. 

So, what do you think? Do you like it?

Because I have two more steps to take this look to, so keep your eyes peeled on this site in the following days should you be interested in seeing more ;)



olgiepolgie said...

Yes! More yellow! I love this. The liner is really pretty, but then I'm not sure what it's meant to look like. I love the way you applied that green and those lashes look just perfect.

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