Sep 21, 2010

Pretties Picture Selection, kolaž najlepših packanj

Which look do you like best and would like to see a picture tutorial of?
Let me know in the comments below :D

Almost school time. That sort of upsets me.
And you might be glad to hear I have figured out how to work with my camera.
Haha, I'm suuuch a dork.

Stay Gorgeous (©GregoryGorgeous, no infringement intended :P :P)


Hej, če želite, da katerega od zgornjih videzov razloženga in poslikanega,
da vidite kako se stvar naredit, mi sporočite v komentarjih. :)
Še imam kakše teden, preden bo treba nazaj v zadušljive predavalnice. 



Anček said...

moder mi je noro lep <3 takoj za njim pa rumeno oranžen =)

hihi, jaz pa komaj čakam predavanja, samo da je konec izpitov :)

Ginkgo girl said...

kok si:)

Gone2RehabBRB said...


O joj, komaj čakaš? :O
Jaz pa ne. Je kar fino doma.

Gone2RehabBRB said...


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