Hello, my lovely ladies =)
Today's post is a Disney Princess inspired make-up, it could easily be worn for special occasions or to fancy parties :) Or just wear it daytime if you want to feel dolled-up.
I went easy on the brows as well; just s smidge of eyeshadow to give it some warmth.
- satin finish olive green eyeshadow
- essence black mania liquid liner
- shimmery white for inner corner highlight
- ES false eyelashes ( A26)
ES lashes A26 that were sent to me by kkcenterhk. You can purchase them here A26 cris cross lashes |
I finished it off with flasies and liquid liner.
Click to enlarge.
For the lips:
liner: Alverde lipliner in Soft Red (number 12); such a sexy color imao!
gloss: the translucent side of the Manhattan double ended liquid longlasting lipstick thing :D
I fell in love with this look, I didn't want to take my make-up off that day. What do you guys think, do ya like it?
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leep make up:)......sploh črta je tako zelo natančno:P.....dobra si, da ti rata tako lepo:)
Hvala =)
Ampak v bistvu samo potegneš črto po traku od trepalnic in pride čisto natančno :P
Your skin is beautiful! you wear the intense red lip great
Aww, you're making me blush :D
very soft and beautiful!
@Miss Z
=) thanks.
and wlecome to my blog!
It's so simple but so pretty, I really like it :)
you look incredible! i love the gorgeous glow in the corner of your eyes :D wonderful! pretty lips too
Thanks, girl. =)
awww, that's so kind of you. thank you, Vonnie =)
Čudovito <3 Pa na rdečo kapico me spominjaš :)
hehe, rdeča kapica? Cute.
Hvala <3
Seriously, this look is gorgeous <3
naww, thanks. a bit of an exaggaration, but sweet of you nonetheless =)
It's amazing what a good pair of lashes can do :D
Res lepo... <3
niceee!! love this look
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