Feb 17, 2012

Nothing Worse Than a Neutral Rut

Hi, gorgeous, thank you for stopping by =)

All I have to shove you guys today is a simple, neutral look with a pop of tearduct glittter. 
 Product breakdown and more pictures are after the jump.

I wasn't fussy with this look. I smeared a beautiful taupe all over my lid, blended the crease out with a sheer yellow and padded a bit of rainbow glitter in the tearduct. To give a bit of interest, I added some falsies. I've been love falsies lately. 
To keep all the focus on the shadow, I kept the under eye area clean of product, including not putting mascara on lower lashes. 

LID: Sundara Cosmetics Rich Soil
Inner corner: Fyinnae Dinosaur Pulshie (this is the glittery shadow I was talking about; it's rainbow glitter in a off-white greyish base)

It has to be said - Rich Soil photographs beautifuuuuully <3 

Do you like it? Let me know in the comments.



Mateja Mateja said...

Krasno! :D
Mimogrede, moram te obvestit, da te na najinem blogu čaka nagrada :D

EyeGraffiti said...

yep I like it! and the glitter for the tear ducts is never a bad idea! it's like placing tears where you want them haha!//Azure

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