Aug 29, 2012

Mystic Smokey eye

Hey guys =)

Anybody wants a smokey eye that's sort of in between a neutral and a full scale smokey eye?
Here's a suggestion of what you can wear. 
Products same as with
Mystic Kitten-eyezed post, only added a navy blue eyeshadow from the Sleek Monaco i-Divine in the crease and blended the heck out of the whole thing using a dash of fuscia color, too.

I won't bore you with a description, just enjoy the pictures. 

I love myself a good Fyrinnae-fest <3 .="." br="br">


Emily♥ 에밀리 ♥エミリー said...

So pretty, perfect balance of sultry/colorful/simple. :)

Gone2RehabBRB said...

@Emily: Thanks, doll! I've never learnt to like black smokey eyes, I'm more happy with color on my face. :)

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